Seven Ways of Curing The Broken Heart!!!

If you are experiencing 'love-tragedy' and you don't know how to mend your broken heart back..
This is some tips that may be useful...
I've tried it....and it works!!It relieved the pain and partially cure the heartache..

Here are the steps:
1. FORGIVE him/her..but do not push yourself to FORGET him/her..because love tragedy is not to be forgotten, but to be accepted as part of your reality..
2. Drink a hot chocolate or likewise
3. Listen inspiring songs..One good recommendation from me is Jason Mraz-Details In The Fabric..this song tells you that whatever happens in your life,it is just a temporary shock, that everything will be fine in the near future..

4. Hang out and have fun with your closest friends, their loves for you will make you better..
5. Do your hobby
6. DO NOT close your heart, what's done is done.
7. Pray to God and believe in Him that He will helps you pass all these miserable times.

So that's all from me..Try it!!!Remember that pain will always makes you stronger..If someone hurts you,smile at him/her because in fact, he/she has make you stronger than before..Cheers!!